Angelo Compagnucci
Developer @ Amarula Solutions
Angelo Compagnucci is a former Buildroot developer from 2014, he contributed more than 100 patches to project, from packages to core infrastructure. He’s interested in embedded systems, Linux kernel hacking and could systems.
2018 | Upgrading buildroot based devices with swupdate |
This talk will guide you through the perils of building a resilient software stack for embedded system using buildroot as a base, stuff your software in between and adding swupdate as cherry on top! The talk will be composed by three main areas:
1. How to use buildroot as a base system for your stack
2. An introduction to swupdate and it’s fields of use
3. An example of using buildroot + swupdate to update your stack.
In the first we will talk about using buildroot as base for your software and how to add your software around. Buildroot make really easy to build a complete firmware image when using the standard configurations provided by the software but it could be cumbersome if you want to add your software in simple, easy and automated way. So we will show you how to write a simple makefile to add your software as an external component and how to automate the process of compiling everything to produce your binary artifacts.
The second part will discuss about swupdate and it’s field of use. Swupdate provides several ways of use: it can be used in a simple way, it could be integrated to do A/B updates, it could be used via network or locally using a medium. We will discuss about the possibility of approaches of system updates and how swupdate can satisfy each one of the use cases.
The third phase will show you a real approach adopted to solve a specific use cause with the hope it can be used a reference for auditor specific needs.