Stefano Cordibella
@ Edalab
He starts in 2006 working with the EDALab team, a company specialized in embedded software and software design automation in Verona.
Comes from high level software development with C++ and Qt, during the last years is moving to the lower levels using various tools in the embedded Linux ecosystem.
More than 5 years experienced the openembedded/Yocto build system and now works with a small team on heterogeneous projects that may vary from firmware development on custom hardware, to gui/mobile applications.
2018 | An introduction to Yocto Project |
If you heard something about Yocto, bitbake, openembedded, layers, recipes and you want to know more about that, this talk is for you.
In this presentation you will be introduced to the Yocto Project build system starting from the basic concepts of metadata up to the use of the build system "tasks" in order to create your own embedded linux distribution.
I will start speaking about the pros and cons of the Yocto Project compared to the other embedded linux build systems.
Then we go deep into the framework components: poky, openembedded core and bitbake.
The practical use of the recipes, packagegroups, images and machines files will be explained by examples.
Finally an example on how to integrate an extra layer will be showed demonstrating the ease of use and the modularity of the build system.